Our Mission


Our mission is to share, equip, and strengthen American troops and their families in the love of Jesus Christ.

 In 2019, after years of leading worship for basic trainees at Lackland Air Force Base and shortly before getting married, Amy and Charlie Haley created Sparrow Songs.  Their vision was to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to service men and women and their families by helping to bolster and support them in their faith.  Sparrow Songs provides and entirely funds four weekly worship services to approximately 28,000 Basic and Tech trainees each year.

In addition to providing live worship at Lackland, Sparrow Songs then aims to build on the relationships established during Basic and Tech training by supplying resources such as Christian music, teaching, community, outreach, and encouragement for these same trainees as they leave Lackland and continue on in their Air Force careers. 

With the help of technology, the hope is to make such resources available to airmen and their families so that they may continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as they leave Lackland and transition all over the world between assignments, deployments, and temporary duty positions.